A film featuring reimagined archival footage of R/GA’s founder Bob Greenberg, cleverly addressing upcoming changes for the company.
In 2024 the sale of R/GA was all over the trades, driving a ton of speculation externally, and obviously a bit of uncertainty internally as well. And that’s not even counting all of the speculation and uncertainty surrounding the disruption of AI. So, as the year drew to a close, with the final sale growing imminent, we created a retrospective of the company, as told through archival footage of R/GA’s founder, Bob Greenberg.
To do this, we used a number of AI’s, including Runway and Eleven Labs, to bring to life old photographs dating as far back as 1977, when R/GA first opened its doors. We then mapped Bob’s voice to a script recording in December, 2024 as Bob expressed a rather comforting tale of R/GA’s history. A history steeped in perpetual change. Meaning that no matter what 2025 may bring, it’s all par for the course at R/GA.